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Car 27
Hand Me Down
var imgsname = new Array() imgsname[0]="samplepicA.jpg" imgsname[1]="samplepicB.jpg" imgsname[2]="samplepicC.jpg" // the the links of your images var imgsurl = new Array() imgsurl[0]="" imgsurl[1]="" imgsurl[2]="" // the target of your links. Accepted values: '_blank', '_self', '_top' // '_parent' or the name of your window var linktarget="_blank" // standstill of each image(seconds) var pause=3 // horizontal position of the slideshow (distance to the left margin of the browser-window, pixels) var posleft=15 // vertical position of the slideshow (distance to the top margin of the browser-window, pixels) var postop=10 // do not edit the variables below var contentimage="" var i_image=0 var i_stepwave=0 var i_maxstepwave=40 var imgpreload=new Array() for (i=0;i<=imgsname.length-1;i++) { imgpreload[i]=new Image() imgpreload[i].src=imgsname[i] } pause=pause*1000 function initiate() { contentimage="" if (document.all) { waveimage.innerHTML=contentimage enlargewave() } if (document.layers) { document.waveimage.left=posleft changeimage() } } function enlargewave() { if (i_stepwave<=i_maxstepwave) { waveimage.filters.wave.phase=i_stepwave waveimage.filters.wave.strength=i_stepwave waveimage.filters.wave.lightstrength=i_stepwave waveimage.filters.wave.freq=i_stepwave i_stepwave++ var timer=setTimeout("enlargewave()",50) } else { clearTimeout(timer) changeimage() } } function reducewave() { if (i_stepwave>0) { waveimage.filters.wave.phase=i_stepwave waveimage.filters.wave.strength=i_stepwave waveimage.filters.wave.lightstrength=i_stepwave waveimage.filters.wave.freq=i_stepwave i_stepwave-- var timer=setTimeout("reducewave()",50) } else { clearTimeout(timer) var timer=setTimeout("enlargewave()",pause) } } function changeimage() { i_image++ if (i_image>=imgsname.length) {i_image=0} contentimage="" if (document.all) { waveimage.innerHTML=contentimage reducewave() } if (document.layers) { document.waveimage.document.write(contentimage) document.waveimage.document.close() var timer=setTimeout("changeimage()",pause) } }